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armor, fab, fabrication, steel, tube, welding -

Hello WarFab family.  We have been missing for a while and for good cause.  As discussed prior we had a failed buyout, the same time we took on other contracts.  So things had been very quiet and slow.  Now, we have some local hands taking in to the company and bringing it back to life, in a limited capacity.  Just rear bumpers, with the possibility of a plate rear option.  They new builders will be looking to possibly add a tig welded bumper option, as well as some lighting mounts on already available bumper designs.  All product will be pre built...

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armor, fab, fabrication, steel, tube, welding -

Simply put, not all HREW or DOM is created equal. Product design, fit up, and steel quality/grade are more likely to affect your experience with them, than just HREW or DOM difference.

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